Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2012 Book Challenge Update

I'm quite embarrassed of the status of my reading challenge this year. If anyone has checked my goodreads account, you might have noticed that last year I challenged myself to read 50 BOOKS! . That's like one book per week. Though I would generally describe myself as an avid reader, completing my challenge didn't come easy. I got caught up with human activities like work and socializing with other people, those kind of stuff.

I did finish it. So, hurray for me! Last year I picked up a short paperback on speed reading to improve my skill. Other than books, I have plenty of reading to do at work so it was really to my advantage.

Onward to the topic at hand, this year I was so engrossed in watching Korean dramas that I literally finished full series in, give or take, 2-3 days time (more on Korean drama and everything korean in another post). With that and my utter lack of enthusiasm to pick up new titles, I decided to forgo my reading challenge for this year. But since I have a fickle mind (so they say) and lack of anything to do, I decided to read for leisure purposes.

Since I started late and I am not too ambitious, my reading challenge for this year is to finish 20 books.

[caption id="attachment_60" align="aligncenter" width="253"] Look how pretty these book covers are![/caption]
All of the titles belong to YA genre, though. I'm thinking of reading something not YA for my next book.

    Suggestions anyone??

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